Tuesday 21 October 2014

Brant Pinvidic's personal documentary explores the sociological ramifications of the world's most popular social networking site

I'm on Facebook. You're on Facebook. Jesus is on Facebook. Even dead people are on Facebook. Perhaps the only person who isn't isBrant Pinvidic, who explains the reasons for his not joining the world's most popular social networking site in his rambling documentary. Discursively examining numerous aspects of the phenomenon through a particularly personal prism,Why I'm Not on Facebookoffers enough cautionary tales to make you think twice before accepting that next friend request. The film recently received its world premiere at the Woodstock Film Festival.According to the filmmaker, a nearly constant onscreen presence, the impetus for the film came when his soon to be thirteen-year-old-son—"That's legal Facebook age"--demanded to know why his father won't allow him to join, and whyhe isn't on Facebook himself.In a director's statement, Pinvidic says that he originally intended to make thefilm in order to validate his negative feelings about the site and justify his decision to keep his son from joining. The results are more nuanced, however. There's plenty of derogatory material on display, but as he sees it the problems stem less from Facebookthan the inanities of the people using it.

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